Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Rippler - The Amazing Mobile Apps Development Tool

For mobile Apps HTML5 developers to find a decent debugger for the target devices is always a tough job! The Weinre is a very popular tool and even Phonegap debugger is based on it, however, it offers no Breakpoints and not very stable if you try to use Phonegap debugger without setting up your own debug server.
Ripple emulator is the latest debug tool I have tried, and it is so easy to install(a Chrome extension) and it solves three of my major problems for hybrid Apps -

  1. breaking points debug
  2. enable cross domains Ajax requests 
  3. Phonegap supported

The mother company of Ripple has been purchased by BlackBerry one year ago, therefore, the BB10 WebWorks SDK uses Ripple as the emulator and it works pretty nice. The BlackBerry HTML5 developer page has detail instructions how to use it

For other devices developer, the Ripple is a Chrome Extension can be downloaded from Chrome Web store. The editor I used is the Aptana Studio 3 which is free too!

You will need to set up the "Devices" and "Platform" to fit your environment, and remember to enable the "Cross Domain Proxy" to allow your Ajax requests working correctly. If the cross domain requests to the server needs user id and password,then the Ripple will fail. Before I can find the solution I just need to switch the requests to a same function server without authentication required to continue the debug process. Once debug done, changed back to the original server and test the Ajax requests on the Playbook Simulator(see below).
BlackBerry version Ripple for WebWorks 10 have some more settings need to be filled like "Package"which will give you the power to build the package to run on BB10 devices.
Now you can pretty much start your debug with breakpoints capability which save you a lot of time

The "Package and Launch" function for PlayBook never worked for me, I have to manually enter the line command to upload the bar file to emulator.

This is how it looks under PlayBook Simulator which powered by VMware Fusion (under Mac OS X)
If you have cross domain requests with user id and password which can not be run under Ripple emulator, then you can test them on the simulator.

Here are some Ripple emulator screenshots for the project I am working on -

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

How To Create A New Account at POS IN CLOUD

It is very easy to set up a testing account with POS IN CLOUD, all we need is your Facebook or Google ID, no registration processes needed. To start a new account and create your own store please go to our portal site at
Click at the Facebook or Google icon depends on which account you want to connect with.
You will need to click "Allow Access" button to agree our server to access your email address based on your Facebook/Google account.
If you successful login to our system, you will be asked to set up your very first store - store id, store name, language use and the template store you want to test. You can also select a empty store which you will need to import your own items or manually enter all your records.
If everything OK, server will display your activate code(token), to start manage your store you can click at 2nd button to continue
You will need to set up your basic information of your store like address, phone ... etc.
If you selected a template store, you can see the detail item information by clicking at "Item Management" tab.
Please remember your default user name is "admin" and the default password for the system is "1234", you can edit or add your employee settings by going to "Staff Rights" Tab
For more details information you can check our tutorial videos.
For 中文 Chinese version instructions here is the copy.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Android-based POS IN CLOUD Set Up Procedure

After you install the App for POS IN CLOUD from Google Play or Amazon App atore, you need to have an active account with us to use the App. To create an account please visit which is also the portal site to manage your stores.
After creating a new account, you will start to build your first store, choose a proper id for your store and select the language you want to use. You can choose a empty store to build from the ground or you can choose a template store to test your App.
You can edit the store items on the portal site or App itself. However, for employee login, tables management, discount/charges management... etc have to be done on portal.

The very first time you run the App, a setup screen will ask for the activation code which you should automatically receive when you register with POS IN CLOUD.
after entering the code, if the code is correct, a pop-up will ask you to select the store you want to install on the machine
It will take 3 to 5 minutes to load the store data into local machine, once loaded you will be able to run the App even offline.
 If you set your "request login" settings on portal as "Yes", then you will need to enter the password on the dashboard login screen, the default password is "1234" if you did not set up the settings on portal. Click at the "head" icon to login after entering the password.
you will be able to use the POS after you success log in
click at the "gear" icon to get into settings screen, choose the "System" section to change the language you want to use, click at "update" button on top right hand side to update.-
To manage Tables
To Manage orders -
Order entry -
Payment screen -

To edit menu items -

To edit item options -

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

POS IN CLOUD for iPad Setup Procedures

POS IN CLOUD for iPad is a Point Of Sales client for iPad series with 1024x768 resolution.

User needs to have an account to setup the App. To create an account please visit which is also the portal site to manage your stores. For more detail information you can visit here.

For the first time installation, the App will take less than 1 minutes to load the sample store data into local machine,  once data fully loaded, a welcome screen will display how to start to use the program on the dashboard screen.

You can swipe the screen or touch the specified buttons to switch to different function screen,  always remember to click at the LOGO icon to bring out the help screen.

To switch from Sample store to your own store which you created on the portal just click at "Settings" then choose "System" Tab and click at "Switch Store" button right beside the store name field.

You will be requested to enter the token code of your store, when finish click at "Sign In", if everything OK, your store will be imported within 2 to 5 minutes.

 If you set your "request login" settings on portal as "Yes", then you will need to enter the password on the dashboard login screen, the default password is "1234" if you did not set up the settings on portal. Click at the "head" icon to login after entering the password.
you will be able to use the POS after you success log in
click at the "gear" icon to get into settings screen, choose the "System" section to change the language you want to use, click at "update" button on top right hand side to update.-
To manage Tables
To Manage orders -
Order entry -
Payment screen -

To edit menu items -

To edit item options -

To connect the iPad to your online store you will need to go to the Settings screen and choose "System" tab, click at "switch store" button right beside the database name (default is "sample") then a setup screen will ask for the activation code which you should automatically receive when you register with POS IN CLOUD.

after entering the code, if the code is correct, a pop-up will ask you to select the store you want to install on the machine