It is very easy to set up a testing account with POS IN CLOUD, all we need is your Facebook or Google ID, no registration processes needed. To start a new account and create your own store please go to our portal site at
Click at the Facebook or Google icon depends on which account you want to connect with.
You will need to click "Allow Access" button to agree our server to access your email address based on your Facebook/Google account.
If you successful login to our system, you will be asked to set up your very first store - store id, store name, language use and the template store you want to test. You can also select a empty store which you will need to import your own items or manually enter all your records.
If everything OK, server will display your activate code(token), to start manage your store you can click at 2nd button to continue
You will need to set up your basic information of your store like address, phone ... etc.
If you selected a template store, you can see the detail item information by clicking at "Item Management" tab.
Please remember your default user name is "admin" and the default password for the system is "1234", you can edit or add your employee settings by going to "Staff Rights" Tab
For more details information you can check our tutorial videos.
For 中文 Chinese version instructions here is the copy.