Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Midnight Express at BlackBerry Business App Contest

"Midnight Express" at BlackBerry夥伴徵選計畫企業APP開發大賽

Last November friend in Taiwan asked me if I had interest to develop business App for BlackBerry Taiwan in new BB10 platform, an App contest held by BlackBerry offering some attractive prizes. Since I already have a Playbook as a reward for an App I submitted before Playbook released and a free Z10 from a Blackberry developer workshop, I had decided to give it a try.

"Midnight Express" is our team name and we were the #1 to demo!

The 6 minutes demo was just too short for me, I missed to show the most important functions!!!

The warm up area, some teams tuning their Apps here!

The stage and judges

"Midnight Express" won the 3rd prize - 100,000 NTD and a Z10!

picture with judges and other winning teams -

Thank you very much BlackBerry Taiwan! Celebration party in nearby Japanese restaurant with our members - Simon and Daniel.

my presentation -